Novo mesto
prestolnica zgodovinske pokrajine Dolenjske
Po svojem kulturnem pomenu in zgodovinskem bogastvu sodi Novo mesto med najimenitnejša slovenska mesta.

100 % električni “car sharing” v Novem mestu

Dolenjska prestolnica na okljuku reke Krke je z več kot 22.000 prebivalci sedmo največje mesto v Sloveniji. Mestne pravice je Novemu mestu podelil Rudolf IV. Habsburški 7.aprila 1365, ko je mesto poimenoval po sebi – Rudolfswert.

V Novem mestu je uporabnikom trenutno na voljo ena lokacija.

Avant2Go packages

Enjoy driving without owning a car.

Sometimes you only need a car for 5 minutes sometimes for whole day or more. You only pay for what you actually use.

Regular price list for registration and reducing the damage waiver

"Car sharing" designed in accordance with the principles of sustainable coexistence

Sign-up fee

€19 / one-time fee

Reducing the damage waiver* from €300 to €100

€38 / year

Reducing the damage waiver* from €300 to €0

€88 / year

*The damage waiver is the maximum amount of damages that the renter pays if the vehicle is damaged due to the renter’s fault.